Sh1ft Exhibition at Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery, Lafayette, CA

I'm so pleased to announce that I have two works in the Sh1ft show at Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery in Lafayette, CA. The show is about perseverance and how we shift our approach when difficulties arise.

exhibition opening: Sat, June 5, 11am-4pm
Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery
3525 Mt. Diablo Blvd, Lafayette, CA


TY Note: Shahzia Sikandar, gouache on drypoint print, 11x15" 2020
TY Note: Shirin Neshat, gouache on drypoint print, 11x15" 2020

These paintings are from my Thank You Notes series, expressing gratitude to artists who have influenced me. I had been working on these as Covid restrictions began. As I got more time to work in the studio, I reflected on my art journey and realized how several artists had been really influential. These two women in particular were the first I had seen that looked like me and were making contemporary art that reflected their stories and heritage. Do check them out for yourself:
Shahzia Sikandar
Shirin Neshat